
The patent is a core part of the DUDON. The core of the patent is to sense malfunctions immediately and predict problems before they happen. It saves time and money, reduces problems and can helps the customer, the manufacturer and the technician.

The combination of the patent with DUDON makes it more than just a "smart switch"!

Together they can detect:

  • A malfunction of the heating element
  • A problem with the thermostat
  • A buildup of lime scale
  • An isolation problem
  • Water leaks
  • The customer will know about the problem before they have to endure a cold shower

The value for the customer is great, it:

  • Notifies them of a problem as soon as it happens
  • Offers a better user experience
  • Saves the trouble and effort of dealing with a technician without understanding the problem
  • Save energy, money and time

The value for a water heater company is even greater:

  • Increases your marketability as a "green company"
  • Creates a loyal customer base and positive 'word of mouth'
  • Become the “Uber” of water-heaters by being the first to know the consumer’s issues and proactively send them a technician
  • Be the first company to offer a replacement solution if the heater is unfixable

How does it work?

A smart, but simple algorithm implemented as a combination of simple software and hardware.
Together it makes it really powerfull device.
Patent number US 2016/0169960 A1
Copyright © 2016 by Dudon